Art Gallery Max Estrella, Spain

11.10.2017, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, November 1 2017

Organization: Art Gallery Max Estrella

Art Gallery Max Estrella is working since its creation on the promotion of young artists, paying special attention to Spanish and Latin American creators. It looks for a balance between exhibitions by well-known and emergent artists. Max Estrella is pursuing the development of a new model of art gallery, working not only within the white cube walls but outdoors as well, engaging new agents and reaching new audiences. The gallery will start promoting projects whose production and reproduction methods are based on social exchange, unfolding new possibilities of expression, analysis, cooperation and commitment known as extradisciplinary investigations (term created by the art critic Brian Holmes), increasingly present in current artistic practices.

In 2017, Max Estrella organized a public exhibition at the village of San Lorenzo de El Escorial that is declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its monuments and history. Renowned contemporary artists were invited to intervene in plazas, gardens and patios with works specifically created for the occasion. See more.

Max Estrella is willing to participate in a project related to cultural heritage and contemporary artistic creation/audience development/new business models, and on the other hand, they are looking for partners (historical towns, art galleries, cultural foundations and centres, located in areas with a rich cultural heritage) for their project, related to these issues.

See more.

Contact: E:, W: