European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

In its diversity, cultural heritage bring us together. Thanks to technology and the internet, it is now more accessible than ever, says European Commission and invites you to take part in a series of events celebrating Europe´s heritage.
Source: EAC / Shutterstock.
Source: EAC / Shutterstock.

The aim of the European Year of Cultural Heritage (EYCH) is to raise awareness of European history and values and to strengthen a sense of European identity. At the same time, it draws attention to the opportunities offered by our cultural heritage, but also to the challenges, it faces, such as the impact of the digital shift, environmental and physical pressure on heritage sites, and the illicit trafficking of cultural objects.

In 2018, the emphasis will be on:
– cultural heritage´s value to society;
– its contribution to the economy;
– its role in European cultural diplomacy;
– the importance of safeguarding it for the enjoyment of future generations.

EYCH is a joint effort of different European institutions, international organisations (UNESCO, Council of Europe, etc.) and stakeholders from the professional field (e.g. see Voice(s) of Culture). Measures will include information and promotion campaigns, events and initiatives at European, national, regional and local levels. They will serve to convey key messages and disseminate information about examples of good practice.

During 2018, thousands of activities and celebrations will take place all across Europe. European Commission will implement 10 initiatives with objectives for engagement, sustainability, protection and innovation (see more). EYCH will also feature European initiatives such as the European Heritage Days, European Heritage Label, European Capitals of Culture and the EU Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award. Many projects will be funded with the support of Creative Europe (under European cooperation projects 2018 Call for proposals), Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Citizens for Europe, and other EU funding programmes.

Ministrstvo-za-kulturoAt national level, the EYCH is being organised by coordinators designated by each EU Member State. In Slovenia, Ms Maja Dimitrovski, head of the Cabinet at the Ministry of Culture, will coordinate interdepartmental national and local networking and activities in the field of cultural heritage. The Ministry of Culture has already invited public institutions in the field of culture to include in their work programs activities within the framework of the EYCH. It shall also invite other stakeholders (government agencies, non-governmental organizations and volunteers) of different sectors (education, research, economy, environment and social affairs) to participate at the implementation of the EYCH.
According to the Ministry, through cooperation and networking of all stakeholders, in terms of a participatory and into the future opened approach, Slovenia can ensure the accessibility and the right to heritage to all, enhance its potential for building a peaceful and democratic society, sustainable development and fostering cultural diversity and creativity.

See more about the EYCH in Commission´s promotional flyer, at its website and follow #EuropeForCulture.