Young Theatre

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2017
EU funding
200.000 EUR
Foto: Pionirski dom
Foto: Pionirski dom

Project leader: Pionirski dom – center za kulturo mladih (SI)
Project partners: Dečji kulturni centar Beograd – Children’s Cultural Center Belgrade (RS), Ełckie Centrum Kultury (PL), Opera Comica Pentru Copii (RO)

Project duration: 1. sept.–12. apr. 2019

The goal of the project “Young Theatre” is to address the trend of low and steadily decreasing popularity of theatre among European audiences, especially the young, by exploiting the audience building potential of improvisational theatre.

The project will accomplish its goal by developing an innovative Art Education/Audience Development program in the field of theatre and deliver it across four Culture Program countries to key target groups involved with introducing theatre to the young:
– theatre professionals and
– pedagogues (schools),
in the process creating an international Young Theatre Network, dedicated to children’s improvisational theatre and young audience development in the field of theatre arts.

The project focuses on at-risk countries of Southern and Eastern Europe (Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Slovakia), where Eurobarometer research shows that audience interest in theatre is the lowest and steadily decreasing.
(Source: Young Theatre.)

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