Loran Art Gallery, Bulgaria

2.03.2017, European Platforms / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Friday, March 31 2017

Organisation: Loran Art Gallery

The main activity of Loran art gallery is organization of exhibitions in the capital Sofia and initiating or taking part in cultural events throughout the country. For its 10-year history our team has build up strong partnerships both with national and city cultural institutions, museums, galleries, etc. The high reputation of the gallery is due to the work of well-known art critics, curators, restorers, valuers with long experience in the art market, as well as leading experts in cultural heritage. Loran art gallery initiates and gives support to different social and educational projects in the field of contemporary art, preservation and popularisation of cultural heritage.

Platform: Sharing European cultural heritage – Mobility and visibility of European creators and artists and the circulation of their works, in particular those lacking international exposure.

Sharing cultural heritage of national and international significance through the exchange of experience and good practices could benefit for the development and building new audiences. Making the access to Europe’s values easier would help increasing the number of cultural and educational products interesting both to the specialists in the particular area and to the general public.
Activities: promotion of artists and creators, especially emerging talents and their works; development and building new audiences; networking activities; educational and awareness-raising activities; development of new business models, including the use of innovative distribution models.

Marta Tsvetanova, E: galleryloran@gmail.com
T: +359887 351 039
W: http://www.galleryloran.com/