Animateka International Animated Film Festival

Project area
Film and Audiovisual Projects 
2 Reels - Association for Reanimation of Storytelling (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014-2020) - MEDIA / Film Festivals 2016
EU funding
33.000 EUR

Animateka 2016

The Animateka International Animated Film Festival targets a general audience with up to 400 films from 35 countries. The festival explores the diversity of the animated film – from contemporary production to retrospective programmes. Focusing primarily on auteur animation film from Central and Eastern Europe, Animateka’s programme features a high percentage of films originating from the MEDIA countries of low audiovisual production capacity. In that way, Animateka represents an important European platform for the presentation of contemporary regional animation film production. With the introduction of the European students’ and the international children’s animation competitions, the festival achieved wide international recognition.

The Animateka International Animated Film Festival and all the activities attached to it are essential for education of the general public in Slovenia and its surrounding regions in the field of animation film. Animateka has always paid attention to media literacy, both for professional and general, student and children audiences.

Panels and round tables also form a very important part of the festival, becoming an industry platfrom AnimatekaPRO from 2016.

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