The Other Way Works, United Kingdom

29.07.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Thursday, September 1 2016


The Other Way Works integrate games, technology & immersive experiences with site-specific theatre, dealing with the subtleties of our modern lives and challenging the way people view their world. We have developed a portfolio of innovative projects in collaboration with partners and funders including Watershed, Wellcome Trust, Arts Council England and Birmingham City University, ranging from major site-specific performance in hotels (Black Tonic, 2015) to intimate experiences incorporating wearable artworks (Chronotype, 2014). Under the artistic direction of co-founder Katie Day, winner of the Hello Culture 2014 Open Data Award, new & digital technologies are developed within the framework of our touring productions, or as standalone apps offering layered cultural experiences out in the real world.


Contact: Mary Helen Young (


Embedding technology in the creative process for interactive theatre

The Other Way Works is passionate about developing the use of pervasive technology to create magical experiences for audiences in immersive theatre. They are now looking to develop a network of peers (other small theatre companies in other countries making experimental work with new tech) to learn from each other about both creative process & business models. We envisage that the project would focus on technology for interactive theatre, meaning pervasive technologies, embodied live experience, non-screen-based, and/or sensor driven innovations. You can see more about their creative process involving technology for our last production Black Tonic here and a video of the early stages here.

Project objectives will include:

– To create a strong network of progressive theatre companies/developers embedding new technologies in their creative process and the audience experience
– Share experience and techniques working with new technologies in theatre, particularly around R&D, also providing space and time for experimentation
– Create a “summer school” experimentation week for established theatre practitioners transitioning to work with technology
– Alongside creative process, discussing viable business models that apply to innovative productions and experiences, capitalising on a growing interest in and market for immersive experiences; mixing government/trust & foundations funding, ticket sales/commercial income, maximising revenue from new or existing IP
– Profile project partners and key associates as experts in working with technology in theatre
– Support partners and participants to investigate new immersive, interactive experiences for audiences, reinventing the way people engage with culture

They are also keen to establish an equal gender balance in the project. The Other Way Works is currently female-led and would like to encourage more women artists and managers to develop their skills with embedding technology in their work.