Unione Nazionale Proloco d’Italia – Veneto Region, Italy

12.09.2016, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Monday, October 31 2016


The Regional Committee UNPLI Veneto is a no profit association that gathers more than 530 Pro Loco of Veneto. The Regional Committee is responsible, in close collaboration with the Provincial Committees and Associations, of the development of targeted activities and projects for the promotion and enhancement of the territory, as well as the support and coordination of the Veneto Pro Loco associations that have now gained an important place as indispensable actors in promoting culture, and tourism at local and regional level.


Within the Creative Europe Programme UNPLI Veneto aims at proposing its experience in the organization a dedicated event called ‘Veneto Spettacoli di Mistero’ as an interactive legends and mysteries evocation festival, which proposes animated entertainment activities, with the aim of promoting local immaterial heritage, respect of cultural traditions and environment.