Urban Gorillas, Cyprus

13.09.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 5 2016


Urban Gorillas (UG) is a non-profit organisation run by a multi-disciplinary team of urban enthusiasts who envision healthy, creative and socially inclusive cities. UG contributes to sustainable urban living by enabling projects and actions that bring new energy and instigate change in city spaces and communities. UG transforms public spaces into lively and innovative hubs, cultivates civil society and impacts policies. UG fulfills its mission through pilot activities and concrete actions, extensive research, and bottom-up, low-cost, high-impact techniques. UG works with communities, NGOs, municipalities and institutions to foster tangible social transformation and bring forward new models of citizen participation.
The UG team shares expertise in arts and architecture, urban design and planning, landscape design, environmental engineering, economics, communications, cultural project management, as well as a love for innovation and the drive to bring about positive change.


Possible areas of collaboration could include:
– urban regeneration and use of public space through participatory (bottom-up) initiatives
– activating ‘dead’ spaces in the city with creative interventions
– contributing to multicultural and intercultural dialogue through creative and artistic initiatives
– artistic and cultural projects and production realised through sharing of ideas, perspectives, exchange, learning and collaboration
– exploring themes of space, ‘place and non-place’, memory, layers of memory and history, multi-perspective views of space and our association with it
– empowering city dwellers to reclaim and question issues around the use of public space
– contribute to sustainable lifestyles including greener urban living
Contact: Veronika Antoniou (E: urbangorillas.ngo@gmail.com)