Pergine Spettacolo Aperto, Italy

24.10.2016, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Tuesday, October 10 2017


Pergine Spettacolo Aperto is a non-profit organization based in Pergine Valsugana (Italy). Since 1976, the Festival’s aim is to commission, curate and deliver high quality, interdisciplinary art and live events, at national and international level, while fostering collaborations with the city, its inhabitants and local associations.

In 2010 the Festival won the Best Territory Improvement Award from Festival of Festival association. Since 2012, the programme follows a main guiding theme, focusing on participatory projects, accessibility and the use of site-specific locations as venues, working on different areas of programming: a main artistic programme of performances and installations; OPEN // Contemporary Creation, a platform for new commissions of regional and national artists and advance artistic training; a new perspective on wellbeing with VIE DEL SE’ DAY a day-long open air event with workshops and other events; a section dedicated to outsider art and NO LIMITS, a series of initiatives to improve accessibility to venues and programme content to people with different disabilities.


They don’t have a specific project in mind but they are open to collaborations in their fields of work.


Contact: Federica Petronilli