Infographics of EU funding

20 years ● 0 organisations ● 0 projects
    Organisations by status
  • Public
  • Private
    Projects by field
  • film and audiovisual projects
  • interdisciplinary projects
  • multimedia and new technologies
  • books and reading / literary translation
  • cultural heritage
  • architecture, design and applied arts
  • performing arts (theatre, dance, music)
  • visual arts
    Organisation's role in the project
  • beneficiary
  • co-beneficiary

This interactive visualisation represents the data related to the EU funding for culture, film and audiovisual sectors successfully raised by Slovene organisations since 2000 within three generations of the relevant EU programmes, i.e. Culture 2000, MEDIA Plus, Culture, MEDIA and Creative Europe.

It is a result of a data mining and interoperability project designed and implemented by Motovila Institute / Creative Europe Desk Slovenia (before 2014 Cultural Contact Point Slovenia/SCCA-Ljubljana and MEDIA Desk Slovenia/Slovenian Film Centre), and the Art and Science Laboratory with the aim of presenting the data as well as making information available for further analyses and comparative research. Further information here.
