Generation to Generation (G2G)

Project area
Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) 
Glej Theatre (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2015
EU funding
199.886,35 EUR (60 %)

Project leader: Glej Theatre (SI)
Javna ustanova Mostarski teatar mladih (BA), Stichting Likeminds (NL), Théâtre du Pélican (FR)

Generation to Generation is a theatre-based project devised to build the teenage audience through theatre for teenagers by teenagers. By identifying a problem of vanishing teenage audience and consequently the problem of audience in the field of contemporary theatre in general, the partners decided to address this issue by developing a project, which will strive to reconnect youth with theatre and at the same time connect the artistic collaboration and knowledge transfer between the NW and SE Europe. In the following two years, four partners will engage in a process of teenage audience development and empowerment of theatre professionals with appropriate know-how to approach teenagers as both audience and future theatre professionals. The project addresses the issue of teenage audience from various angles. Primarily it strives to build an environment in which teenagers have a chance to relate and participate in a theatre that is closer to their own perceptions. On the second level it confronts both the teenagers and the public with their view on topics such as multi-ethnicity in the European society and cultural gaps between the NW and SE Europe. On the third level the project is collecting tools and methodologies on how to develop teenagers both as future practitioners and audience in a way that transcends cultural borders but builds on specific local traits and inclusion. On the fourth level the project fosters artistic innovation by providing a platform unburdened by theatre history and including an age group with the most creative charge into the artistic process. Additionally, the project will provide a new platform where theatre professionals will be able to internationalize their careers and get involved into know-how transfer on both international and national level. All activities, i.e. workshops, festivals, the conference, mentors exchange program and theatre performance productions will involve all key target groups. (Source: EAC)

Project duration: 1. 6. 2015–30. 5. 2017

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