Strand 1.3: Cooperation Projects with Third Countries – Call 2010

Culture (2007-2013) 
Tuesday, May 4 2010 closed

Important! Please note that an extension has been given for the submission of strand 1.3 proposals; the new date is the 05/05/2005.
The paper submission of the application package is also extended to the 5ft of may (date as marked in the postmark).
We remind you that only the submission through the on-line application will be accepted.

This category seeks to support cultural cooperation projects aimed at cultural exchanges between the countries taking part in the Programme and Third Countries, which have concluded association or cooperation agreements with the EU, provided that the latter contain cultural clauses.

The action must generate a concrete international cooperation dimension. The cooperation projects involve at least three cultural operators, from at least three countries taking part in the Programme and cultural cooperation with at least one organisation from the selected Third Country and involve cultural activities carried out in the selected Third Country. Funds of between EUR 50 000 and a maximum of EUR 200 000 are available, but the ceiling for support from the European Union is limited to 50% of the total eligible costs.

Eligible third Countries – Budgetary Year 2010:

For the special action in 2010, the European Commission proposes to concentrate on the EU Neighbourhood and the eligible third countries are:
Armenia, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova, occupied Palestinian Territory and Tunisia;
New! In light of Ukraine and Azerbaijan’s recent ratification, European cultural operators will be able to participate with their Ukrainian and Azerbaijani counterparts in the special call for cooperation with third countries.

Deadline for applications
The online application must be submited at least before 05/05/2010 12:00.
Technical Notice
Please note that the E-form currently published on our website needs to be adapted in order to include Ukraine in the list of third countries.

You must send all the documents also by post mail at the latest on 05/05/2010 (dated as marked in the postmark) to the Executive Agency, at the following address:
Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency
Culture Programme (2007–2013)
Programme Strand 1.3 Third countries projects
Avenue du Bourget 1
(BOUR 04/13)
B – 1140 Brussels Belgium