SWICH – Sharing a World of Inclusion, Creativity and Heritage

Project area
Cultural Heritage 
Slovene Ethnographic Museum (partner) 
Project lead
Weltmuseum Wien (AT) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2014
EU funding
2.000.000 EUR

Coordinator: Weltmuseum Wien, Vienna (AT)
Partners: Slovenski etnografski muzej (SI), National Museum of World Cultures, Leiden/Amsterdam/Bergen-Dal (NL); Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Tervuren (BE); Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille (FR); National Museums of World Culture, Stockholm/Göteborg (SE); Linden-Museum, Stuttgart (DE); Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico «Luigi Pigorini», Rom (IT); Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge (UK); Museum of World Cultures, Barcelona (ES); Culture Lab – International Cultural Expertise (BE)

Project duration: 1 October 2014–30 September 2018

Together, the partner museums reflected on the future of ethnographic museums in a society shaped by processes of migration and globalization. Globalisation and migration contribute to a diversification of European society, thus multiple cultural identities increasingly characterize its citizens. Ethnographic museums have to reflect such new circumstances and re-contextualize their collections that catalogue the diversity of world cultures in the light of such global and transnational changes.
The possibilities opened up by collaboration with communities, artists and interdisciplinary approaches were tested. How can museums function as nodes of debate and identification between local and transnational identities? Another focus lies on the question how museums will collect in the future and on the potential of digital technologies for the visitor experience. A series of workshops and exhibitions test how new technologies help to enhance cross-cultural encounter. The emphasis lies on the inclusion of diaspora and post-migrant communities in Europe. (Source: EAC.)

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