European Design Stories

Project area
Architecture, Design and Applied Arts 
Suri Institute (partner) 
Project lead
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / European cooperation projects 2014
EU funding
147.946 EUR

art_tecaji_postaProject leader: designSUPERMARKET s.r.o. (CZ)
Partners: Suri Institute (SI), EURELATIONS GEIE (IT), PUNKT O.Z (SK)

European Design Stories represents an international curatorial project documenting stories in works by selected original creators. They are collectors of intimate moments in creative processes, ways of thinking, or working and living environments that best capture the narratives of final things. They do not limit to any particular design field, no matter if it is an individual designer, studio, brand or craftsman. They seek various approaches in contemporary design that respond to current issues in particular countries or in the society in general nowadays. Their aim is to present design as a remarkable dynamic mover and an instrument, which enhances our lives.

They make journeys across various European countries and collect authentic material and insights in form of photographs, texts and videos. Apart from the online platform, they organize exhibitions, screenings, lectures and prints to reflect current background of the design scene of the old continent.

Project duration: 1 December 2014–30 November 2016

Project activities:
European Design Stories: debate and exhibition

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