Voix de la Poesie Europeenne

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
House of Poetry Literature Association (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / Literary translation 2014
EU funding
27.615 EUR

Project duration: 1 September 2014–1 August 2016

The project VOICES OF THE EUROPEAN POETRY began in 2006 and aims to make known, through translations, major names of the poetic heritage of Europe, to encourage collaboration between poets and translators and contribute to a broad knowledge of European poetry. In this project we have so far translated forty European authors into Slovenian, from classic poets – Labe, Milosz , Michaux, Ponge , Auslander , Char, Herbert – to very contemporary – Bonnefoy, Jaccottet Esteban, Velter, Scotto, Cappello, Simović, of dozen nationalities (Italy, France, Serbia, Croatia , Montenegro, Poland, Germany, Austria), as well as several Slovenian poets into other languages (Czech , German, French , Italian).

List of translated works:
– MARCELINE DESBORDES-VALMORE (1786-1859), one of the greatest French poets;
– WB Yeats (1865-1939), Nobel laureate and one of the biggest names in modern poetry;
– DINO CAMPANA (1885-1932), considered one of the major Italian poets of Novecento;
– JEAN COCTEAU (1889-1963), outstanding French artist and poet;
– TADEUSZ RÓZEWICZ (1921), one of the greatest modern Polish poets and intellectuals;
– IVAN ROGIC NEHAJEV (1943), Croatian poet, considered one of the major poets of his generation;
– ANDRE VELTER (1945), poet, writer, essayist, French, great promoter of poetry, co-founder of Printemps des poètes, a major poet of contemporary poetry;
– CHRISTIAN BOBIN (1951), one of more renowned contemporary French poets and writers;
– IVAN DOBNIK (1960), Slovenian poet and translator, major poet of his generation, to be translated in Czech language.

Translations will be made by renowned translators, and are meant for general public (radio, internet, public readings) as well as students and literary specialists. (vir: EAC)

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