Stories that can change the world

Project area
Books and Reading / Literary Translation 
Beletrina Publishing Institute (lead) 
Creative Europe (2014 -2020) - Culture / Literary translation 2014
EU funding
65.410,33 EUR (1. leto); 63.271,71 EUR (2. leto); 70.219,50 EUR (3. leto)

The program Beletrina proposes comprises 6 books by renowned authors; 4 of them will be translated from the original languages into Slovene and the other 2 from Slovene into English. In this way, Beletrina wishes to establish a direct two-way relationship between the so-called major and minor used languages, which will also be emphasized in the PR strategies. The fundamental criteria of Beletrina´s selection are artistic excellence and topical relevance. As for the literary value, all these books have been appreciated by the public and the critics both in their time and today. (Source: EAC. See more: first year, second year.)

First year

Goran Vojnović: Jugoslavija, moja dežela / Yugoslavia, my fatherland, translation from Slovene into English by Noah Londer Charney
– Gabriela Babnik: Sušna doba / Dry season (EUPL winner), translation from Slovene into English by Rawley Martin Grau
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: Citadelle / Citadela, translation from French by Špela Žakelj
– Samuel Barclay Beckett: Mercier et Camier / Mercier in Camier, translation from French by Jana Pavlič
– George Orwell: Burmese Days / Burmanski dnevi, translation from English by Tina Mahkota
– Fulvio Tomizza: Il male viene dal Nord / Zlo prihaja s severa, translation from Italian by Vera Troha

EU support: 65.410,33 EUR
Project duration: 30. 12. 2014–29. 12. 2015

Beletrina: knjižna dela Stories that can change the world (prvo leto)2014

Second year

Hanif Kureishi: The last word, translation from English by Polona Glavan
– Patrick Modiano: Dora Bruder, translation from French by Jaroslav Skrušny
– Sofi Oksanen: Kun kyyhkyset katosivat, prevod Julija Potrč, finščina
– Winfried Georg Sebald: Die Ringe des Saturn, translation from German by Štefan Vevar
– Jela Krečič: Ni druge / None Like Her, translation from Slovene into English by Olivia Hellewell
– Dušan Šarotar: Panorama, translation from Slovene into English by Rawley Grau

EU support: 63.271,71 EUR
Project duration: 30. 12. 2015–29. 12. 2016


Third year

Bernardo Atxaga: Nevadako egunak, translation from Spanish
Enrique Vila-Matas: Dublinesca, translation from Spanish
Thomas Bernhard: short stories, translation from German
Bruno Schulz: short stories, translation from Polish
Emile Zola: L’Oeuvre, translation from French

EU support: 70.219,50 EUR
Project duration: 30. 12. 2016–29. 12. 2017

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