Teatro Minimo Atri (Teramo, Italy)

13.01.2015, European Platforms / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, February 25 2015
Project: Cenacolo 3.0 (Creative Europe - Platforms 2015)The association “Teatro Minimo” is looking for partners to participate in the next Call (deadline: 25 February 2015) of the Creative Europe – Platform.

The goal is to promote contact and exchange of experiences between the different forms of art and artists in the local context as that of the small towns in a modern European historians rereading the experience of circles that in the past have been scenery aggregation, meeting and dissemination of artistic events and who have had the merit of “provincialism” the experiences within different national and / or regional favoring the comparison with similar experiences in a European context: the movement that has most expressed this desire is the pictorial realism developed in a myriad of national and regional artistic movements, beginning in the early ‘800 and ‘900.

The places where they met and where they operated the artists of realism, while preserving the memory of an illustrious past have not been able to strengthen ties in later times and even in the present; This project aims therefore to the dissemination of works and artists of different art forms that rediscover, in a modern, past synergies.

More: in the attachment below

Contact: Massimo Spezialetti, Direttore Teatro Minimo Atri (Teramo), Italy

E: massimo.spezialetti@gmail.com

Objavljeno: 13 Jan. 2015