Slovenian School Museum / Slovenski šolski muzej

23.12.2014, Cooperation projects / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Tuesday, October 7 2014
Project: Social Responsibility of Museums: Overcoming stereotypes as a way to an equitable societySlovenian School Museum is looking for partners to submit a common cooperation project in the field of cultural heritage, in small scale cooperation project within Culture sub-programme call for proposals with a deadline on 1st of October 2014.

Within our project we aim to connect with museums from different European countries to create a network of museums which aspires to overcome stereotypes in the field of migration and migrants.

Despite numerous restrictions on migration policies the European societies are becoming multicultural. The field of integration of migrants into society is extremely complex and is ranging from  education, health, social policy, integration into the labour market, to culture. Meeting between members of different cultures is becomming more common and inevitable, therefore intercultural understanding and acceptance are becomming more and more important values and skils. In order to understand and build relationships towards migrants it is very important to know what images and stereotypes about migrants and their countries exist in a particular society. Even museums as cultural institutions, that are commited to act for the welfare of society, can contribute towards changing of public opinion, stereotypes and prejudice, and thereby contribute to a more inclusive, equitable and respectful society.

Within our project we aim to connect with museums from different European countries to create a network of museums which aspires to overcome stereotypes. In collaboration with partner museums we will explore stereotyping in the field of migration and migrants. With the help of members of these groups, we want to form the museum as a social space, that enables to understand different manners of life, helps to overcome stereotypes and encourages the formation of a fairer, more democratic and equal society.

Our main objectives (in accordance with the objectives and priorities of the Creative Europe programme) are:
–    the exchange of knowledge and practices between museums and awareness of good practices concerning stereotyping;
–    the adaptation to digital technologies;
–    to reach out to new audiences and innovative approaches to audience development;
–    international collaboration (exhibition, conference);
–    to influence citizens and their knowledge about other cultures through transnational actions and activities;
–    to facilitate access to professional opportunities through international networking.

Our activities will include:
–    establishment of a network of museums;
–    organisation of international meetings and workshops;
–    preparation of a traveling exhibition;
–    preparation of the accompanying educational program;
–    preparation of a manual;
–    collaboration with institutions related to African migrants.

Partners searched: Museums – especially Museums with experiences in the field of African migrants, African culture

The Slovenian School Museum was founded in 1898 by the Union of Slovenian Teachers’ Societies. It developed from occasional exhibitions and objects presented by teachers’ societies at their regular annual gatherings. Through collecting teaching aids and showing their use, museum acivities were initially aimed at the additional training of teachers, whilst later it began to focus on collecting, preserving, exhibiting and studying objects and other non-material school-related cultural heritage. In recent times the museum has extended its activities to all the areas that museums are usually involved in, but it has become best known for its pedagogic activities through its school lessons and workshops.
It is the oldest specialist museum in Slovenia and the first all-Slovenian museum. The museum is a publisher of Šolska kronika (School Chronicle), the only museum journal in Slovenia that specialises in the history of schools and pedagogy. Through the exchange of journals among different museums and other institutions at home and abroad, the museum contributes to raising awareness of the importance of school heritage for our future progress.

Maja Hakl Saje (e:
Slovenski šolski muzej / Slovenian School Museum, Plečnikov trg 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: +386 1 251 30 24, M: +386 31 29 96 76
Web page:

Posted: 19. Aug. 2014