Narodni dom Maribor

31.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
Narodni dom Maribor is looking for partner organizations who would like to participate in the festival activities (Festival Lent) in the field of interdisciplinary (Art camp/Adventure Park) or performing arts (Folkart; Jazz Lent).

Festival Lent is the largest outdoor festival in Slovenia and one of the largest in Europe. For the last 20 years, the Lent Festival has been taking place at the end of June and in early July, attracting over half a million visitors a year, which makes it the most recognisable cultural event in Slovenia.

FOLKART is the biggest folklore festival in Slovenia and the only Slovenian member of the international non-governmental festival association CIOFF, which ranks Folkart among the best folklore festivals in the world as regards organisation, content and set design. JAZZLENT is a platform for jazzy improvisation and brings together friends of good music and jazz artists from all around the world. During the Lent Festival, Maribor’s City Park turns into the ADVENTURE PARK, a unique European project of intergenerational cultural education. Several attributes make the Adventure Park a one-of-a-kind undertaking: its long duration (16 days) and great abundance of workshops; its large number of participating mentors, volunteers and performers; its strong international ties and high visitor numbers; the fact that admission is free; and especially its laid-back, friendly atmosphere.

More in the appendix >>> NARODNI-DOM-MARIBOR.doc

Contact details:
Ms Mojca Pušnik
Narodni dom Maribor
Ulica Kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
T: +386 02 229 40 27