Kurziv – Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society

20.03.2014, Cooperation projects / Ostalo
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2014
We are interested in media cooperation within the projects of Creative Europe since our central project is an internet portal Kulturpunkt.hr. Here is some detailed information about our organization.

Kurziv is a non-profit organisation whose activities are dedicated to media, culture and education. Its activities, realized both in online and offline space, are aimed at changing, reshaping and deepening public discussion on the topics and issues of contemporary cultural and artistic practices, civil society and media.

The main project of the organisation is the internet portal Kulturpunkt.hr that was founded in 2005. Its goal is to intervene in Croatian media landscape presenting, analysing and contextualising contemporary artistic and cultural production and theory in a wider sense and follow civil society and activities of civil society organisations, everyday life, politics, cultural and media policies. Through active involvement with cultural and artistic production, Kulturpunkt.hr has become the only media which gives the most comprehensive and continuous insight into the activities and development of independent culture in Croatia, and its importance is simultaneously spreading in the regional context.

Starting from this core project, Kurziv has developed several strategic goals and activities. With opening the public debates it is enhancing the position of culture in the Croatian media landscape in general with a specific focus on independent cultural production. Furthermore it is one of the main actors in the advocacy activities towards strengthening of the position of non profit media in the field of culture and civil society in Croatia. Kurziv has also recognized the importance of historicizing the development of the independent cultural scene in the last twenty years and thus initiated project dedicated to archiving, documenting and analysing this important segment of the cultural scene in Croatia. The aim of the project is to create online and offline base of documentation available to everyone and free for further use which will contribute to future analyses and understanding of the period. Finally, because of the general lack of serious and critical writing in the field of culture, but also due to changes in the educational system, Kurziv organizes an educational program for young journalists, Kulturpunkt’s Journalistic School, consisting of journalism skills training courses and lectures on theoretical and historical approaches to contemporary culture, arts and theory.

For more information and possible cooperations please contact – Janja Sesar, janja.sesar@kulturpunkt.hr, project manager.

Contact details:
Janja Sesar, project manager (e: janja.sesar@kulturpunkt.hr)
Kurziv – Platforma za pitanja kulture, medija i društva // Kurziv – Platform for Matters of Culture, Media and Society
Kvaternikov trg 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska/Croatia
T: +385 1 7898 732, M: +385 98 1679 009
w: www.kulturpunkt.hr