Teatro Paraiso

21.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, March 19 2014
Teatro Paraiso is looking for partners to cooperate in projects as partner under the Programme Creative Europe under call “Cooperation Projects” (EAC/S16/2013; deadline: 5th March 2014) or call “European networks” (EAC/S18/2013; deadline: 19th march 2014).

Teatro Paraiso is looking for partners to cooperate in projects as partner under the Programme Creative Europe, in projects related with:
– Creation and scenic diffusion (shows to play not only in a theatre, but also in the kindergartens and schools).
– Coproductions with other theatre companies.
– Participation in projects related to Childhood and Youth and the development of these kinds of audiences.
– Workshops with educators, about how to develop an interaction between Art, Childhood and Education.
– Workshops with families, about how to develop creative skills.

More in the appendix >>> Teatro-Paraiso.pdf

Contact details:
Teatro Paraiso
Irene Basilio (e: irene@teatroparaiso.com, T: +34 945 289 323)
Pilar López
e: info@teatroparaiso.com, T: +34 945 289 323, w: www.teatroparaiso.com