AGP group

5.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, March 5 2014

Through Seminars and exchanges, the project will create a permanent net of entities for cooperation, to recover and develop the Baroque organ music, including the visibility of all multicultural European realities.

Main Activities:
– Local and regional seminars of multicultural action with the support of organ music. 
– Professionals’ exchanges linked to the organ.
– International musical conferences about the development of the organ music and its artisans.
– Creation of net of artists’ exchanges, technicians, musicians, and organs artisans.
– Publicity and visibility of the actions.  

More in the appendix >>> AGP-group.doc

Contact details:
Vanessa Vallejos
C/Descalzos 39, Pamplona (Navarra) SPAIN
T/F: +34 948228009, e: