Faculty of Art at Pedagogical University in Cracow

4.02.2014, Cooperation projects / Visual Arts
Reply by Wednesday, March 5 2014
Project: 6 reasons for the shadeFaculty of Art at Pedagogical University in Cracow would like to apply for cooperation project grant under Creative Europe and is searching partners or leader (cultural institutions, galleries of contemporary art) in the field visual arts (interdisciplinary).

Short description of the project “6 reasons for the shade”:
Project focused on problems concerning light and coexisting darkness. Light understood as a physical phenomenon and light beams, but also – as a philosophical concept and part of human existence. The project involves raising the issue of vision and perception processes between light, its density, function, meaning and shadow. Between the opposite phenomena, light and darkness, some important phenomena of everyday life that we sometimes miss may be placed. Artists, through their various productions and other creative methodologies, expand the boundaries of the discourse on using light as a tool in one’s productions which are spread between the objet d’art and site-specific installation up to photography and multimedia.

Planned activities:
– series of national and international exhibitions of currently working artists, 
– workshops, 
– discussion panel combined with an academic lecture on light, 
– publication of a catalogue/bilingual book, 
– publication of a book called “Polish Modern Light Art” by dr Paulina Tendera and dr hab. Leszek Sosnowski, 
– website (e.g. live video coverage of events), 
– a film show presenting Polish and foreign films about the art of light.

More in the appendix >>> Faculty-of-Art-Cracow.doc

Contact details:
Beata Długosz, e: beata.dlugosz@gazeta.pl
Faculty of Art, Pedagogical University of Cracow, ul. Podchorązych 2, 30-084 Kraków
w: http://wydzialsztuki.up.krakow.pl/, www.up.krakow.pl/