Foundation URBAN FORMS

10.10.2012, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Architecture, Design and Applied Arts
Reply by Friday, May 31 2013
Project: URBAN FORMS GALLERY 2013 - 2014

Foundation URBAN FORMS from Łódź (Poland) is looking for partners, who would like to cooperate on the social-artistic project, which aim is to change negative image of the city, where they function. Subject matter of the project is the answer to problems, which occur in post-industrial, decayed cities, regarded as less attractive in touristic and economic respect.
If your organisation operates for such city, we invite you to participate in the project URBAN FORMS GALLERY 2013–2014. Help your city to become more attractive and more friendly place to live.


The foundation which was initiated in 2008 dealt with a broadly understood street culture organises and facilitates artistic, sport, educational and social initiatives. It promotes culture and art directly by involving the society in its work. It propagates a wide variety in the urban iconosphere connected with artistic creativity and revitalization. Our actions are also directed at socially-excluded groups.

Since September 2011 we have been creating Urban Forms Gallery, an art gallery embedded in the public space in the very centre of Łódź, enlarged not only by murals (created also by artists not directly connected with street art) but also by sculptures, installations and cyclical artistic events. This will integrate the community and allow creating an interesting art venue – a cultural destination.
We are sure that this initiative will inspire often unemployed people to improve their environment aesthetically and open small businesses directed at the gallery visitors. We also want to organise a non-governmental lobby gathering social institutions and investors for maintenance and conducting cleaning services around this neighbourhood.

More information: and in the attachment below.

Teresa Latuszewska – Syrda
T: +48 501 139 892