Cultural institution Parobrod

31.07.2012, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Friday, May 31 2013
Project: Creative laboratory of contemporary sound and movementCreative Lab wants to introduce, reinforce and start targeting the contemporary forms of expression through a blend of modern music and movement. In this way creates the individual design and creative thought.

The visa liberalization of the Schengen area towards Serbia was a very significant development because it opened the door to free travel and potential increased contact of the general public and especially the youth in Serbia with their peers in the EU. However, it is still very difficult for the target group to experience the contemporary European cultural area through direct contact, especially in modern dance and music.
Therefore, direct access to cultural/art content of the EU is still very limited for the population in Serbia.

Creative lab will include debates, workshops, lectures, benchmarking workshops with partners and other tools to present and promote to general audience contemporary sound and dance. Project aims to raise awareness of European cultural diversity through innovative process of creativity and other ways of expression, bringing together people of various ages. The target group will have a unique opportunity to develop their skills in this form of expression and creativity.

Project partners: Triniti Collage, Lp Duo, Loss fondation

Milena Rajković, director
UK Parobrod, Kapetan Mišina 6a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia