Acción Cultural Espanola (AC/E)

31.07.2012, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Thursday, October 31 2013
Project: Passport Culture. Roads to a European CitizenshipThe objective of the project is to explore how Culture plays a key role in the conception of the idea of Citizenship.

There will be an art exhibit with the portraits and stories of immigrants for whom culture has been vital in their process of developing their European identity. Additionally, we will organize three activities in which we will provoke the encounter of professionals, from different backgrounds and countries, that will work together to create a common work that will be offered to the public.
The three areas in which we will work are music, street art and cuisine.

Acción Cultural Española (AC/E)
José Abascal, 4. 4, 28003 Madrid, Spain
T: +34 917 004 000
F: +34 917 004 000