University of Vlencia – Martínez Guerricabeitia Trust

9.03.2010, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Monday, October 4 2010
Coorganizer in European project

Martínez Guerricabeitia Found was founded in 1989 by Jesus Martínez Guerricabeitia and University of Valencia. Their primary task is managing the collection of Jesus Martínez Guerricabeitia and Carmen Garcia Merchante, who donated it to the University of Vlenci in 1999. The collection contains about 400 artworks from 1960s and 70s by different artists. The collection has a critical social and political dimesion.
Beside the care for colletion, they organize different activities, such as exibitions and workshops…

They are interesed to participate in a European project as a co-organiser. They can offer thier exibition space in Vlencia aand their organizational experience.

Contact: Vicent Sanz (Director of Activities)
Carres Amadeu de Saboia 4-5a planta
46010 Valencia