Museum Guggenheim-Bilbao

14.07.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Thursday, October 1 2009
Project: The Contemporary Outdoor Sculpture Project

The Museum Guggenheim-Bilbao is looking for European partners for a project to be submitted under the Culture Programme, Strand 1.2.1 (deadline: 1st October 2009). Potential partners for the project include any organization, institution or municipality with an interest in and commitment to the field of Modern Sculpture conservation-restoration, preservation and promotion.
The project’s main aim is to ensure Modern Outdoor Sculpture long term preservation-conservation, protection and appreciation. For this purpose, the project foresees the establishment of a network of professionals and cultural organisations committed to contemporary sculpture (museums, collectors, artists, patrons, architects, engineers, conservator-restorers, curators, art historians, critics, educators…)

Contact: Arantza García
Abandoibarra Et.2, 48001, Bilbao, Spain, T: +34 94 403 91 26, E:, W: