Innovation culture Europe-ICE

29.06.2009, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Interdisciplinary Projects
Reply by Saturday, October 31 2009
Project: United States of Europe

Innovation culture Europe, ICE, is an association created in the autumn 2007. ICE wants to improve knowledge between European countries and cultures and to bring forth values such as awareness, engagement and openness through art and cultural projects.

ICE is looking for cultural associations, cultural centers, galleries that can contribute with project management in their country.

Theme of the project is European identity. The identity is something that brings us together but also makes us unique and gives us individuality.
They are going to exanimate the question of European identity trough cultural exchanges, exhibitions and video interviews. The project will become a traveling exhibition with individual and diverse interpretations of the subject European identity.

More about the project in the appendix.

Contact: Johanna Suo,
38 avenue de Versailles, 75016 Paris, T: 33 (0)6 60 35 45 90, E:, W: