Musique & Santé

3.09.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Ostalo
Reply by Monday, September 29 2008
Project: Culture in Hospitals

Musique & Santé from France wish to apply to call for proposals Pilot project. Networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different cultural sectors in order to create a network of cultural organizations that are involved in artists’ mobility at a European level: they propose the set up of a network of exchanges to allow artists of all disciplines to go and work in hospitals and healthcare institutions of other European countries alongside local artists.

More about the project in the attachment.

Contact: Cécile Provôt, Project Coordinator
Musique & Santé, 9, Passage Saint Bernard, 75011 Paris, France; T: +33 (0)1 55 28 81 00 F: +33 (0)1 55 28 81 01, E:, W: