Antakya Academy Youth and Sports Folk Dance Association

29.07.2008, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music)
Reply by Wednesday, October 1 2008
Project: European Union Dance OrganistionAntakya Academy Youth and Sports Folk Dance Association is looking for co-organisers for the project European Union Dance Organistion.

The aim of this project is to generate a way of communication between European Union countries using their authentic cultural body language in harmony with the dance and to emphasize the importance of introducing and saving the cultures of all participating countries. This project also aims to show the production of all cultures and civilizations which will appear by colloboration of all the participating countries although they have some differences in different sections of life. So in the end, the performance will give us the chance of seeing the correlation and the harmony between the cultures of the countries.

Co-organisers will be responsible for appointing their countries’ dancers and a choreographer and will provide a suitable place in their countries to carry out training of the cultural dance performances. The result will be a mutual performance which will be staged in all countries joining in this project.

Contact: Yılmaz Özfırat
Antakya Academy Youth and Sports Folk Dance Association, T: + 90 532 303 8485, + 90 505 778 3443, F: + 90 326 216 1631, E: