Historical Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome, Italy

19.06.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Cultural Heritage
Reply by Wednesday, October 31 2007
Project: RODECReconstruction of typical districts inside European cities.

The project aims reconstructing the historical image of peculiar districts inserted in European countries through construction of relief models. The objective is to disclose the old building structure in the frame of the different cities.
Different available sources of any building will be critically compared to assure the most accurate and realistic reconstruction.
The project will be implemented through the following different phases:
1. Search and analysis of historical documentation (written and iconographic sources);
2. Graphical elaboration of the database;
3. Plastic constructions.
This will be extended to different scenarios as described hereafter. The project will to encourage the transnational circulation of cultural works by implementation of an itinerant museum to be exposed in the different cities involved in the project.
The project will even be even virtually accessible by the web thanks to the implementation of a dedicated site. The main information will be organized in a film suitable for distribution by DVD.
This is considered proper to encourage intercultural dialogue because the treated cases will be relevant to different culture, religions, social situations, etc., allowing understanding the common human background.

Contact: Claudio Fiano Historical
Archive of the Jewish Community of Rome, Italy
T: +39-349-5652497, E-mail: claudio.fiano@libero.it