Fundación Legado Andalusí

13.02.2007, Culture Programme (2007-2013) / Architecture, Design and Applied Arts
Reply by Wednesday, February 28 2007
Project: /The main goal of the proposal will be to create a network to carry out future common actions with the support of our permanent Pavilion of Sciences of al-Andalus.

Fundación Legado Andalusí (, together with B&S Europe as consultancy firm for European funds, has written a proposal in the framework of this call, and concretely in Strand 1.1. This proposal must be understood as an offer to work together and the possibility to create a network for future cooperation.
The main theme or goal of the project is encouraging the intercultural dialogue by means of mobility of experts and works by means of a series of itinerant exhibitions, seminars and ateliers (practical demonstrations of craftworks such as ceramics, glass,… ), getting awareness of the young people by the interactivity within every activity: active contribution in the seminars, games and use of TIC in the exhibition, and learning to make craftworks with their own hands.
This project pretends to create a pilot project for establishing a solid approach that ought to grow with the co-organisers contribution and the adhesion of new partners to the network. So we would like to begin with a small group of co-organisers guaranteeing the viability of the proposal, and treating concrete themes and later we can prepare a more ambitious project for a new call.
Fundación Legado Andalusí would like to have all the documents ready to be sent by the beginning of February and receive co-organisers´ contribution to the proposal meanwhile, for this reason only official communications received by fax before next Thursday 18th 12.00 in order to express the interest to join this proposal will be considered.

Contact: Antonio Vega Alonso
B&S Europe
T: +34 958 53 57 60
F: +34 958 26 16 95